
IMG_7193After more than 4 years spent knee-deep in nappies, sandpits, playdough, laundry, paint, snot and goo – I was ready for a new challenge – and this time one where the only mention of children relates to targeting elements in jQuery.

As a complete newbie with zero programming experience, besides Coursera’s Computer Science 101 course (which is I highly recommend), I wanted to keep some sort of record of my progress.  I will be sharing my high (and my low points), my struggles and m
y triumphs, as well making a list of the useful tools or advice I find along the way.

My hopes are that one day (in the not so distant future) I can look back on the early days of this blog and think ‘Wow! How far I’ve come!” and possibly even inspire others to embark on their own coding journey.

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